How do I connect to a network printer from a Mac?

Please follow the directions below to add a network printer to your Mac.

Most network printers are only accessible when connected to the CEE wired network.

  1. Open System Preferences and click on the “+” icon below the printer list on the left side of the dialog.
  • During this step you will need to know the full network address for the printer. If you need assistance finding the hostname please contact ISG by email:
    • Select the globe icon at the top.
    • Next enter the full network address for the printer in the Address field.
    • In the Protocol field select the HP Jetdirect – Socket option from the dropdown.
    • Finally click the Add button at the bottom.

How to request an account with admin privileges

Use the link below to request a separate admin account (account name will be cee-username).
Once your adviser approves the account, we will create the account and a 24-hour password for it that you can receive in person or via a BlueJeans or Teams session.
You will need to show your BuzzCard at that time to verify.

How do I connect to my Windows machine from a Mac?

To connect to your office Windows Machine you will need the Microsoft Windows App. You can download the app from the App Store:…
* If you have downloaded the app previously and the icon is square you will need to download this app. The previous app is not compatible with Windows 10.


  1. To setup a new connection, click on the plus sign at the top of the application.
  1. Enter the address of your office computer. The address will be in the form of [HOSTNAME] in the field for PC name. You may enter another name for the system in the field for Friendly name on the General tab. Use these instructions to find the hostname of your system.
  1. On the Display tab you can select “Use all display” if you have multiple displays connected to your Mac.
  1. When you have finished configuring your settings click the “Add” button at the bottom of the window.


To connect to your Windows system click on the saved desktop on your dashboard.
*If you are connecting from the campus Wi-Fi or from home you must first establish a VPN connection.

How do I connect to a network share from a Mac?

Occasionally Mac users may find themselves needing to connect to a Windows network share. Doing so is very simple:

  • From Finder click “Go” and then “Connect to Server”

When the dialog box appears, in the field for “Server Address” you will want to enter the full path to the network share.

* Make note that the address uses forward slashes only (no backslashes), also smb is in all lowercase.

  • If you are prompted with a confirmation you can click on “Connect” to finish the connection.

Please contact ISG if you need assistance in finding the path to a network share.

How do I install the GlobalProtect VPN client on macOS?

  1. Prerequisite! Make sure you disconnect your AnyConnect VPN session and any other VPN software before continuing!
  1. To download the macOS VPN client, log into the Clientless VPN portal.
  2. Once you log into the portal, click on the Download Windows/macOS VPN Client link.
  1. Click on the download link for Mac 32/64 bit GlobalProtect agent
  1. From your downloads folder, click on the installer package
  1. Click Continue to start the installation. Click through to select installation location.
  1. You may be asked to enter your account password to continue installation.
  1. You may need to allow the system extension in the preferences. You may have only 60 seconds to perform this operation! If you fail to allow this extension quickly, the installation will be broken and you will have to reinstall.
  1. Once the install is complete, you can find the GlobalProtect client in your menu bar at the top. Enter into the portal address field. Click Connect.
  1. Enter your credentials.
  1. You may be required to use 2-factor authentication.
  1. Once connected, you will see the welcome screen. Click Disconnect to disconnect.
  1. To connect using the client in the future, you can find the client in the menu bar at the top. Look for the little grey planet.
  1. The mac client remains persistent in the menu bar even if you are not connected to the VPN.
  2. If you wish to quit the client entirely, from a command line type:​
  3. launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/*​
  4. To launch the client again: 
  5. launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/*

How do I remotely connect to my Windows PC from a Windows PC?

To remotely connect to your office Windows PC from another Windows PC you can follow the steps below. Before you begin you will need the hostname of your office PC.
*To get the hostname of your office PC please review this FAQ.
*If you are connecting from off campus or on wireless you will need to first connect to GT’s VPN service. Follow this FAQ for making the VPN connection.

  1. From the Search box on your desktop enter “Remote Desktop Connection” to open the connection client.
  1. Once the connection client opens enter the hostname of your PC along with “”. See the example image:
  1. When asked for your credentials enter your GT username and password.
    * If the listed Domain below your password does not list AD you will need to prepend AD\ before your GT username (exp. AD\gburdel3)

How do I connect to VPN without a client?

The GlobalProtect Clientless VPN is a web browser based VPN service, and should work with most browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices. All traffic on the browser tab that you use to log in to the service travels through an encrypted tunnel which terminates on the campus gateway.

  1. In a web browser, connect to
  2. Enter your username and password in the fields:
VPN website
  1. If you are required to use Duo 2-factor authentication, enter ‘push’ or a passcode:
  1. You should now be viewing the Clientless VPN interface. You can click on a tile to visit a website or click on the Enter URL button to enter the address for another website. Click on your username at the right to log out.
  1. At the top of the page is a link to download the VPN Client to your personal system.

How do I connect to my Mac from a Windows machine?

  1. We currently only allow SSH (command line) connections from a Windows PC to a Mac. This example uses SecureCRT.
    If the system you are connecting from is not connected to CEE’s wired network you will need to contact ISG ( to verify that SSH is enabled for your system from a VPN connection.
    • From SecureCRT begin a new connection
    • Enter the address of the machine that you want to connect to in the Hostname field using the following format: [HOSTNAME]
    • You may enter your username on the machine you are connecting to in the Username field
    • Only the Password option needs to be checked under Authentication
    • Click on the Connect button
  1. The first time you attempt the connection you will be presented with the option to save the host key. 
    • Clicking Accept Once will connect to the remote system but will not save the key The next time you connect to the system you will be presented with this option again.
    • Clicking Accept & Save will save the key and you will not be presented with the option in the future.
    • Clicking Cancel will terminate the connection
  1. If you entered your username in Step 1 this prompt will not appear. 
    • Enter the username for the system you are connecting to in the field provided
    • Click Ok
    • Clicking Cancel will terminate the connection
  1. Passwords can be easily recovered by anyone with access to your system. You should never use the save password option.
    • Enter the password for the username that you enter in Step 3 in the password field
    • Click Ok
    • Clicking Cancel will terminate the connection
    • Clicking Skip will move to the next Authentication method enabled in Step 1 If no other Authentications methods are enabled the connection will be terminated
  1. Your connection should now be complete. If your connection fails, please retry the connection and check your settings.

If you continue to experience trouble please email Help Desk at